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🔥🚀😎 All EternalCombat Commands and Features

🔍💬 All Commands and Permissions

EternalCombat features few commands and permissions. You can find them below.

CommandDescriptionPermission (Click to copy)
/combatlog status <player>Users with this permission will be able to see theirs and others combat status.
/combatlog tag <first_player> <optional_second_player>Users with this permission will be able to tag players into a fight.
/combatlog untag <player>Users with this permission will be able to untag players from a fight.
/combatlog reloadUsers with this permission will be able to reload the plugin.
-Allows receiving notifications about new versions of the plugin.

🕵️‍♀️ Other Features

EternalCombat allows you to customize your combat experience. You can find all features below.

  • Combat duration,
  • Combat messages,
  • Combat anti-logout timer,
  • Combat status for players,
  • Custom effects in fight,
  • Disable block placing in areas above certain height,
  • Add combat-log to other entity damage events,

Made by EternalCodeTeam with ❤️!